Scholarship Recipients 



Teen Course: $500.00 -
- Payment Plan - payments may be made monthly before the start of class
- It can be paid in full
- It may be made into payments. If payments are chosen, half ($250.00) will be due at registration and the remainder ($250.00) will be due by the first day of class (other arrangements may be made)
Additional Drives - $30

Tutoring: $45/hour

Skills Test: $50 or $45 for second test

​Knowledge Test: $30 for 1st and 2nd for free if needed

Adult Lessons: $50/hour 


Military and Law Enforcement - $25.00 off for any Previous or Active members of any Military Branch and Law Enforcement Agencies. (Call for more information)
Low Income Discount (Call for more information)  
Multiple Child - $25.00 off when a sibling of a prior student is enrolled
Discounts limited to one per student.   

Come on in and apply for a partial scholarships for middle and lower income families. These scholarships will be given once a year, after grades are given out for the end of school. The main basis for qualification are good grades and the citizenship of your student. For more information on qualifications give us a call or come on in.



Scholarship application instructions: 

Scholarship applications must be turned in in person along with a course application. In order to secure a spot for the course we ask that you make the initial deposit of $250 or arrange a payment plan with us. Please text us at (360) 477-5264 to arrange a time to drop off the course application. 

Click the attachment below: 

Scholarship Application